1.4 Natural feeding. Breastfeeding and complementary food:iming and adequacy
1.5 Formula feeding and mixed feeding. Manufactured, homemade and specialized infant formulas
2.1 Bronchial asthma
2.2 Food allergies
2.3 Atopic dermatitis (AD)
3.1 Physical development in childhood
3.2 Normal psychomotor development of infants and young children and its assessment
3.3 Rickets
3.4 Spasmophilia
3.5 Lithuania’s childhood immunization schedule
4.1 Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the respiratory system in infants and young children
4.2 Acute nasopharyngitis (the common cold)
4.3 Acute infection of the tonsils (acute pharyngotonsillitis)
4.4 Acute adenoid infection (adenoiditis). Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal lymphoid tissue
4.5 Acute rhinosinusitis
4.6 Acute middle ear infection (acute otitis media)
4.7 Acute inflammation of larynx (stenosing laryngitis, viral croup)
4.8 Acute bronchitis
4.9 Acute bronchiolitis
4.10 Community acquired pneumonia in children
4.11 Paediatric cystic fibrosis
4.12 Paediatric tuberculosis
5.1 Anatomical and physiological characteristics ofpaediatric cardiovascular system
5.2 Clinical examination of cardiovascular system
5.3 Instrumental examination of cardiovascular system
5.4 Atrial septal defect (ASD)
5.5 Ventricular septal defect
5.6 Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
5.7 Coarctation of the aorta
5.8 Aortic stenosis
5.9 Pulmonary artery stenosis
5.10 Tetralogy of Fallot
5.11 Transposition of the great arteries
5.12 Prophylaxis of paediatric infective endocarditis
5.13 Primary hypertension
5.14 Heart failure
5.15 Causes and mechanisms of arrhythmias in children
5.16 Atrial tachyarrhythmias
5.17 Supraventricular tachycardia
5.18 Ventricular tachycardia
5.19 Atrioventricular block
5.20 Acute rheumatic fever
5.21 Syncope in children
5.22 Examination of a child presenting with the symptoms of rheumatic diseases
5.23 Reactive arthritis
5.24 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
5.25 Systemic disorders of connective tissue: characteristics of systemiclupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis and scleroderma in children
5.26 Paediatric vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein purpura, polyarteritis, Kawasaki disease)
6.1. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of paediatric digestive system: mouth, teeth.
6.2. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of paediatric digestive system: oesophagus, stomach.
6.3. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of paediatric digestive system: intestine, pancreas, liver.
6.4. Acute gastritis.
6.5. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
6.6. Chronic gastritis and duodenitis
6.7. Peptic ulcer disease
6.8. Functional gastrointestinal disorders in children
6.9. Functional dyspepsia
6.10. Irritable bowel syndrome
6.11. Baby colic
6.12. Chronic non-infectious diarrhea in children
6.13. Malabsorption syndrome.
6.14. Celiac disease.
6.15. Inflammatory intestinal diseases.
7.1. Anatomical characteristics and research methods of paediatric urinary tract
7.2. Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN).
7.3.Nephrotic syndrome.
7.4. Urinary tract infection.
8.1. Blood peculiarities in the childhood age.
8.2. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of lymph nodes
8.3. Lymphadenopathy
8.4. Iron deficiency anaemia
8.5. Hereditary microspherocytosis
8.6. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
8.7. Haemophilia.
8.8. Oncological diseases
8.9. Acute leukaemia
8.10. Tumours
9.1. Intestinal infections.
9.2. Principles for treatment of infectious intestinal diseases.
9.3. Meningococcal infection.
9.4. Peculiarities of meningitis in the childhood age.
9.5. Diphtheria.
9.6. Pertussis.
9.7. Parotitic infection.
9.8. Differential diagnostics of paediatric exanthemas.
9.9. Measles.
9.10. Rubella.
9.11. Scarlet fever
9.12. Other exanthems
9.13. Herpes infection and its clinical forms.
10.1. Hand hygiene.
10.2. Assessment of a child’s condition.
10.3. Initial resuscitation of a child.
10.4. Pain problem in childhood age.
10.5. Fever of infants and young children.
10.6. Acute liver failure.
10.7. Acute kidney failure.
10.8. Acute respiration failure.
10.9. Shock definition, types and peculiarities of assistance
10.10. Peculiarities of homeostasis in the childhood age. Physiological need for fluids and electrolytes.
10.11. Water-electrolyte imbalance (isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic dehydration)
10.12. Alkali-acid balance disorders
10.13. Systemic inflammatory response. Sepsis and its manifestations.
10.14. Sepsis.
11.1. Pyloric stenosis.
11.2. Oesophageal atresia.
11.3. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
11.4. Duodenal obstruction.
11.5. Bowel atresia or stenosis.
11.6. Anorectal anomalies
11.7. Intussusception.
11.8. Congestive intestinal obstruction
11.9. Foetal defects of the anterior abdominal wall (omphalocele and gastroschisis)
11.10. Abdominal hernia (umbilical, groin).
11.11. Disorders of the yolk and urinary ducts.
11.12. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis.
11.13. Pulmonary empyema.
11.14. Neonatal purulent surgical diseases: omphalitis, mastitis, phlegmon, paraproctitis, osteomyelitis.
11.15. Purulent diseases: furuncles, carbuncles, fleas, phlegmons, lymphadenitis, whitlow, paraproctitis.
11.16. Constipation.
11.17. Anal disorders.
11.18. Faecal incontinence
Hirschspung’s disease
11.20. Urethral anomalies: Hypospadias. Epispadias.
11.21. Acute scrotum syndrome: testicular torsion, testicular appendix torsion, orchoepididitis, testicular trauma
11.22. Children's hydronephrosis and urethra hydronephrosis
11.23. Foreskin diseases: phimosis, paraphimosis, synechia, balanoposthitis
11.24. Testicle development anomalies. Cryptorchidism
11.25. Urinary bladder-ureter reflux.
11.26. Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumour).
11.27. Congenital chest deformities
11.28. Acute appendicitis
11.29. Peritonitis.
11.30. Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in newborns.
11.31. Initial peritonitis
11.32. Intestinal yersinosis.
11.33. Mesadinitis.
11.34. Bleeding from the digestive tract
11.35. Benign tumours of soft tissues: haemangiomas, lymphangiomas, teratomas
11.36. Closed trauma of abdominal cavity and thoracic organs
11.37. Foreign bodies in respiratory and gastrointestinal tract
12.1. Specific disorders in pronunciation and speech development
12.2. Specific learning development disabilities
12.3. Specific movement development disability
12.4. Autism and Asperger syndrome
12.5. Behavioural disorders
12.6. Hyperkinetic disorders.
12.7. Eating disorders in childhood and adolescence
12.8. Early onset schizophrenia
12.9. Delirium in childhood age
12.10. Mental and behavioural disorders of children and adolescents due to use of psychoactive substances
12.11. Somatoform disorders
12.12. Acute mental disorders in children and adolescents
12.13. Tic disorders
12.14. Children and adolescent depression
12.15. Children and adolescent anxiety disorders
12.16. Misbehaviour and violence against the child
12.17. Inorganic enuresis
12.18. Inorganic encopresis
14.1. Laboratory medicine for childhood diseases
14.2. Pathogens of paediatric bacterial meningitis, microbiological diagnosis, antibacterial treatment principles
14.3. Pathogens of osteomyelitis, microbiological diagnostics
14.4. Microbiological diagnostics, antibacterial treatment principles of infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract
14.5. Urinary pathogens, interpretation of microbiological tests
14.6. Laboratory diagnostics of patients with cystic fibrosis